GLOW API version 1.0 reference

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class GlowQuickPanelWidget

General information

type: class
inherits: GlowQuickPalette, GlowPanelWidget
module: glowQuickPalette

GlowQuickPanelWidget is a panel that may be filled with other widgets using the QuickPalette interface.

GlowQuickPanelWidget is a panel widget designed to contain more widgets created using the QuickPalette interface. You cannot construct this object directly; instead, you use the AddPanel() or AddArrangingPanel() method of a parent GlowQuickPaletteWindow, GlowQuickPaletteSubwindow or GlowQuickPanelWidget.

GLOW programs that use the QuickPalette interface can use this class to create widget panels and gain more control over widget arrangement.


Inherited constants
These constants are inherited from GlowQuickPalette.

enum { parentSetting }

enum GlowQuickPalette::Arrangement parentArrangement
enum GlowQuickPalette::Arrangement vertical
enum GlowQuickPalette::Arrangement horizontal

enum GlowQuickPalette::Alignment parentAlignment
enum GlowQuickPalette::Alignment alignTop
enum GlowQuickPalette::Alignment alignBottom
enum GlowQuickPalette::Alignment alignLeft
enum GlowQuickPalette::Alignment alignRight
enum GlowQuickPalette::Alignment alignCenter
enum GlowQuickPalette::Alignment alignExpand

Inherited constants
These constants are inherited from GlowPanelWidget.

enum GlowPanelWidget::Style transparentStyle
enum GlowPanelWidget::Style plainStyle
enum GlowPanelWidget::Style etchedStyle
enum GlowPanelWidget::Style raisedStyle
enum GlowPanelWidget::Style loweredStyle

Inherited constants
These constants are inherited from GlowWidget.

enum GlowWidget::AutoPackError noAutoPackError
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackError hAutoPackError
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackError vAutoPackError

enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions noReshape
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions preferredSize
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions expandPreferredSize
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions forcedSize
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions noMove
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions leftPos
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions rightPos
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions topPos
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions bottomPos
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions centerPos

enum { unspecifiedSize }
enum { unspecifiedPos }


Widget creation methods
These methods are inherited from GlowQuickPalette.

GlowQuickPanelWidget* AddPanel(GlowPanelWidget::Style style = GlowPanelWidget::plainStyle, const char* label = 0, GlowQuickPalette::Arrangement arrangement = GlowQuickPalette::parentArrangement, GlowQuickPalette::Alignment alignment = GlowQuickPalette::parentAlignment, int spacing = GlowQuickPalette::parentSetting, int hmargin = GlowQuickPalette::parentSetting, int vmargin = GlowQuickPalette::parentSetting)

GlowQuickPanelWidget* AddArrangingPanel(GlowQuickPalette::Arrangement arrangement = GlowQuickPalette::parentArrangement, GlowQuickPalette::Alignment alignment = GlowQuickPalette::parentAlignment, int spacing = GlowQuickPalette::parentSetting, int inset = 0)

GlowPanelWidget* AddFixedPanel(int width, int height, GlowPanelWidget::Style style = GlowPanelWidget::plainStyle)

GlowSeparatorWidget* AddSeparator(GlowSeparatorWidget::Style style = GlowSeparatorWidget::valleyStyle)

GlowPushButtonWidget* AddPushButton(const char* label, GlowPushButtonReceiver* receiver = 0)

GlowMenuButtonWidget* AddMenuButton(const char* label, GlowMenu* menu, GlowMenuButtonWidget::IconType icon = GlowMenuButtonWidget::menuIcon)

GlowLabeledPopupMenuWidget* AddPopupMenu(const char* label, GlowPopupMenuReceiver* receiver = 0)

GlowCheckBoxWidget* AddCheckBox(const char* label, GlowCheckBoxWidget::State initialValue = GlowCheckBoxWidget::off, GlowCheckBoxReceiver* receiver = 0)

GlowQuickRadioGroupWidget* AddRadioGroup(GlowQuickPalette::Arrangement arrangement = GlowQuickPalette::vertical, int spacing = 3, GlowRadioButtonReceiver* receiver = 0)

GlowLabeledSliderWidget* AddSlider(float min, float max, float initial, GlowSliderWidget::Options options = GlowSliderWidget::defaultOptions, int numTicks = 2, const char* valueLabel = 0, const char* label = 0, GlowSliderReceiver* receiver = 0)

GlowScrollBarWidget* AddScrollBar(long min, long max, long span, long initialTop, GlowScrollBarReceiver* receiver = 0)

GlowLabeledTextFieldWidget* AddTextField(int width, const char* text = "", const char* label = 0)

GlowLabeledHiddenTextFieldWidget* AddHiddenTextField(int width, const char* text = "", char hideCharacter = '#', const char* label = 0)

GlowLabelWidget* AddLabel(const char* text)

Packing and arrangement methods
These methods are inherited from GlowQuickPalette.

GlowQuickPalette::Arrangement GetArrangement(void) const

void SetArrangement(GlowQuickPalette::Arrangement value)

GlowQuickPalette::Alignment GetAlignment(void) const

void SetAlignment(GlowQuickPalette::Alignment value)

int GetSpacing(void) const

void SetSpacing(int value)

int GetHMargin(void) const

int GetVMargin(void) const

void SetHMargin(int value)

void SetVMargin(int value)

These methods are inherited from GlowQuickPalette.

GlowQuickPanelWidget* QuickPaletteRoot(void) const

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowPanelWidget.

GlowPanelWidget::Style GetStyle(void) const

void SetStyle(GlowPanelWidget::Style style)

GlowColor GetBackColor(void) const

void SetBackColor(GlowColor c)

GlowColor GetLightBevelColor(void) const

void SetLightBevelColor(GlowColor c)

GlowColor GetDarkBevelColor(void) const

void SetDarkBevelColor(GlowColor c)

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowWidget.

void Move(int x, int y)

int PositionX(void) const

int PositionY(void) const

int RootPositionX(void) const

int RootPositionY(void) const

int GlobalPositionX(void) const

int GlobalPositionY(void) const

void Reshape(int width, int height)

int Width(void) const

int Height(void) const

GlowWidget::AutoPackError AutoPack(int leftLimit, int rightLimit, int topLimit, int bottomLimit, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions hOption, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions vOption, int& leftMargin, int& rightMargin, int& topMargin, int& bottomMargin)
GlowWidget::AutoPackError AutoPack(int leftLimit, int rightLimit, int topLimit, int bottomLimit, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions hOption, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions vOption)

GlowWidget::AutoPackError AutoReshape(int& leftMargin, int& rightMargin, int& topMargin, int& bottomMargin)
GlowWidget::AutoPackError AutoReshape()

void Hide(void)

void Show(void)

bool IsVisible(void) const

bool IsInvisible(void) const

bool IsVisibleMasked(void) const

void Refresh(void)

void SetRefreshEnabled(bool enabled)

bool IsRefreshEnabled(void) const

void SetClipping(bool clip)

bool IsClipping(void)

void GrabKeyboardFocus(void)

Panel widgets should not attempt to grab the keyboard focus unless a subclass makes use of keyboard events.

void RelinquishKeyboardFocus(void)

bool HasKeyboardFocus(void)

GlowWidgetRoot* Root(void)

void SetRefCon(long refcon)

long GetRefCon(void)

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowComponent.

GlowComponent* Parent(void) const

GlowSubwindow* WhichWindow(void)

GlowSubwindow* ParentWindow(void) const

GlowWindow* ToplevelWindow(void)

bool IsToplevel(void) const

GlowComponent* Next(void) const

GlowComponent* Prev(void) const

int NumChildren(void) const

GlowComponent* FirstChild(void) const

GlowComponent* LastChild(void) const

void ReorderChild(GlowComponent* child, GlowComponent* pos)

void KillChildren(void)

void Activate(void)

void Deactivate(void)

bool IsActive(void)

bool IsInactive(void)

bool IsActiveStandby(void)

void Paint(void)

Protected methods for subclasses

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowWidget.

void NormalizeCoordinates(int x, int y, GLfloat& xn, GLfloat& yn) const

void RegisterMouseEvents(void)

void RegisterKeyboardEvents(void)

void UnegisterMouseEvents(void)

void UnregisterKeyboardEvents(void)

Overrideable methods

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowWidget. GlowQuickPanel overrides most of these to provide the proper behavior for a panel that arranges its children according to the QuickPalette interface. You should normally never need to override any of them again.

virtual void OnWidgetPaint(void)

virtual void OnWidgetMouseDown(Glow::MouseButton mouseButton, int x, int y, Glow::Modifiers modifiers)

virtual void OnWidgetMouseUp(Glow::MouseButton mouseButton, int x, int y, Glow::Modifiers modifiers)

virtual void OnWidgetMouseDrag(int x, int y)

virtual void OnWidgetKeyboard(Glow::KeyCode key, int x, int y, Glow::Modifiers modifiers)

virtual void OnWidgetMove(int x, int y)

virtual void OnWidgetReshape(int width, int height)

virtual void OnWidgetInvisible(void)

virtual void OnWidgetVisible(void)

virtual void OnWidgetDeactivate(void)

virtual void OnWidgetActivate(void)

virtual void OnGotKeyboardFocus(void)

virtual void OnLostKeyboardFocus(void)

virtual GlowWidget::AutoPackError OnAutoPack(int hSize, int vSize, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions hOption, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions vOption, int& leftMargin, int& rightMargin, int& topMargin, int& bottomMargin)

GlowQuickPanelWidget implements this method to pack a panel, including arranging all its children, according to the QuickPanel specifications. You should not override it.

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowComponent, but are used by GlowWidget and should not be overridden again.

virtual void OnActivate(void)

virtual void OnDeactivate(void)

virtual void OnBeginPaint(void)

virtual void OnEndPaint(void)

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