GLOW API version 1.0 reference

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class Mat4f

General information

type: class
inherits: (none)
module: glowVectorAlgebra

Mat4f represents a 4x4 matrix of floats. It is used internally by the 3D view transform classes.

Most GLOW programs will not need to use Mat4f directly; however, it may be useful for customizing or manipulating the 3D view transform components.




Creates a new matrix with the value set to the identity transform.

Mat4f(GLfloat a, GLfloat b, GLfloat c, GLfloat d, GLfloat e, GLfloat f, GLfloat g, GLfloat h, GLfloat i, GLfloat j, GLfloat k, GLfloat l, GLfloat m, GLfloat n, GLfloat o, GLfloat p)

Creates a new matrix with the given values, in row-major order.

Mat4f(const GLfloat* vals)

Creates a new vector, copying the given array of coordinates in column-major order. This is useful for constructing a matrix from an OpenGL matrix returned by glGetFloatv.

Mat4f(const Mat4f& v)

Copy constructor.


void Set(GLfloat a, GLfloat b, GLfloat c, GLfloat d, GLfloat e, GLfloat f, GLfloat g, GLfloat h, GLfloat i, GLfloat j, GLfloat k, GLfloat l, GLfloat m, GLfloat n, GLfloat o, GLfloat p)

Sets the vector to the specified values, in row-major order.

void Set(const GLfloat* vals)

Sets the matrix to the specified array of coordinates in column-major order. This is useful for setting a matrix from an OpenGL matrix returned by glGetFloatv.

Mat4f& operator=(const Mat4f& v)

Copies the given matrix.

Mat4f& operator=(const GLfloat* vals)

Sets the matrix to the specified array of coordinates in column-major order. This is useful for setting a matrix from an OpenGL matrix returned by glGetFloatv.

Misc access

void SetZero(void)

Sets the matrix to the zero transform.

bool IsZero(void) const

Is this matrix the zero transform?

void SetIdentity(void)

Sets the matrix to the identity transform.

bool IsIdentity(void) const

Is this matrix the identity transform?

void SetVal(short row, short column, GLfloat val)

Sets an indexed value in the matrix.

GLfloat GetVal(short row, short column) const

Gets an indexed value in the matrix.

OpenGL matrix integration

void GetGLMatrix(GLfloat* mat) const

Sets mat[0]..mat[15] to an OpenGL (column-major order) matrix matching this matrix.

const GLfloat* GetGLMatrix(void) const

Returns a pointer to an OpenGL (column-major order) matrix matching this matrix.

operator const GLfloat*(void) const

Cast to an OpenGL (column-major order) matrix matching this matrix.

void SetGLMatrix(const GLfloat* mat)

Sets the matrix to the specified array of coordinates in OpenGL (column-major) order.

Affine transforms
Use these methods to set a matrix to an affine transformation.

void SetTranslation(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
void SetTranslation(const Vec3f& v)

Sets the matrix to the specified translation transform.

void SetRotation(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat angle)
void SetRotation(const Vec3f& axis, GLfloat angle)
void SetRotation(const Quatf& rot)

Sets the matrix to the specified rotation transform. The angle must be specified in radians, and the axis should be normalized.

void SetScale(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
void SetScale(const Vec3f& scale)
void SetScale(GLfloat scale)

Sets the matrix to the specified scale transform. The third form indicates a uniform scale

void SetAxisTransformation(const Vec3f& x, const Vec3f& y, const Vec3f& z)

Sets the matrix to a transformation that transforms the principal axes to the given vectors, applying the necessary rotation, scale and shear.

void RemoveTranslation(void)

Removes the translation component from the matrix.

Special operations

const Mat4f Inverse(void) const

Returns the inverse of this matrix, or the zero matrix if this matrix is singular.

void SetInverse(const Mat4f& original)

Sets this matrix to the inverse of the given original, or the zero matrix if this matrix is singular.

const Mat4f Transpose(void) const

Returns the transpose of this matrix.

void SetTranspose(const Mat4f& original)

Sets this matrix to the transpose of the given original.

const Mat4f Cofactors(void) const

Returns the matrix of cofactors of this matrix.

void SetCofactors(const Mat4f& original)

Sets this matrix to the matrix of cofactors of the given original.

GLfloat Determinant(void) const

Returns the determinant of this matrix.

Arithmetic operations
Mat4f provides a full set of arithmetic operations on 4x4 matrices.

Mat4f == Mat4f ---> bool
matrix equality
Mat4f != Mat4f ---> bool
matrix inequality

- Mat4f ---> Mat4f
matrix negation

Mat4f * GLfloat ---> Mat4f
scalar multiplication
GLfloat * Mat4f ---> Mat4f
scalar multiplication
Mat4f / GLfloat ---> Mat4f
scalar division
Mat4f *= GLfloat
in-place scalar multiplication
Mat4f /= GLfloat
in-place scalar division

Mat4f + Mat4f ---> Mat4f
matrix addition
Mat4f - Mat4f ---> Mat4f
matrix subtraction
Mat4f * Mat4f ---> Mat4f
matrix multiplication
Mat4f += Mat4f
in-place matrix addition
Mat4f -= Mat4f
in-place matrix subtraction
Mat4f *= Mat4f
in-place matrix multiplication

Mat4f * Vec3f ---> Vec3f
application of matrix to vector

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