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General information |
type: class
inherits: (none)
module: glowVectorAlgebraQuatf represents a quaternion of floats. It is used internally by the 3D view transform classes.
Most GLOW programs will not need to use Quatf directly; however, it may be useful for customizing or manipulating the 3D view transform components.
Methods |
Creates a new quaternion with the value set to the identity rotation (1,0,0,0).Quatf(GLfloat w, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
Creates a new quaternion with the given values. Note that the order is wxyz rather than xyzw.Quatf(const GLfloat* vals)
Creates a new quaternion, copying the given array of values in wxyz order.Quatf(const Vec3f& vec)
Creates a new quaternion with w set to 0 and xyz set to the given vector.Quatf(const Vec3f& axis, GLfloat angle)
Creates a new quaternion representing the given rotation. The angle should be given in radians.Quatf(const Quatf& q)
Copy constructor.Setters
void Set(GLfloat w, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
Sets the quaternion to the specified values.void Set(const GLfloat* vals)
Sets the quaternion to the specified array of values in wxyz order.Quatf& operator=(const Quatf& q)
Copies the given quaternion.Quatf& operator=(const GLfloat* vals)
Sets the quaternion to the specified array of values in wxyz order.Quatf& operator=(const Vec3f& vec)
Sets w to 0 and xyz to the given vector.Member access
GLfloat GetW(void) const
GLfloat GetX(void) const
GLfloat GetY(void) const
GLfloat GetZ(void) const
void SetW(GLfloat val)
void SetX(GLfloat val)
void SetY(GLfloat val)
void SetZ(GLfloat val)
GLfloat& W(void)
GLfloat W(void) const
GLfloat& X(void)
GLfloat X(void) const
GLfloat& Y(void)
GLfloat Y(void) const
GLfloat& Z(void)
GLfloat Z(void) const
Indexed member access
You can access members by index. index 0 is the w-coordinate, and index 3 is the z-coordinate. Specifying an index outside those bounds will raise an assertion.GLfloat GetVal(std::ptrdiff_t i) const
void SetVal(std::ptrdiff_t i, GLfloat val)
GLfloat& operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i)
GLfloat operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i) const
Misc access
void SetZero(void)
Sets the quaternion to the zero quaternion (0,0,0,0).bool IsZero(void) const
Is the quaternion set to the zero quaternion (0,0,0,0)?void SetIdentity(void)
Sets the quaternion to the identity rotation (1,0,0,0).bool IsIdentity(void) const
Is the quaternion set to the identity rotation (1,0,0,0)?void SetImaginary(const Vec3f& vec)
Sets w to 0 and xyz to the given vector.void SetImaginary(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
Sets w to 0 and xyz to the given vector.const Vec3f GetImaginary(void) const
Returns the imaginary part (xyz) of this quaterion.operator const GLfloat*(void) const
You can cast a Quatf directly to a const GLfloat*. In the resulting array, index 0 corresponds to the w-coordinate and index 3 corresponds to the z-coordinate.Rotation operations
void SetRotation(GLfloat axisx, GLfloat axisy, GLfloat axisz, GLfloat angle)
void SetRotation(const Vec3f& axis, GLfloat angle)Sets this quaternion to represent the given rotation. The angle should be given in radians, and the axis should be normalized.void GetRotation(Vec3f& axis, GLfloat& angle) const
Returns the rotation represented by this quaternion. The angle is returned in radians. For best results, make sure the quaternion is sufficiently normalized before calling this method.Vec3f GetAxis(void) const
Returns the axis of the rotation represented by this quaternion. For best results, make sure the quaternion is sufficiently normalized before calling this method.GLfloat GetAngle(void) const
Returns the angle of the rotation represented by this quaternion, in radians. For best results, make sure the quaternion is sufficiently normalized before calling this method.void ScaleRotation(GLfloat factor)
Scales the angle of the rotation represented by this quaternion. For best results, make sure the quaternion is sufficiently normalized before calling this method.Special operations
const Quatf Conjugate(void) const
Returns the conjugate of the quaternion.void Negate(void)
Negates the quaternion.GLfloat Norm(void) const
Returns the norm of the quaternion.GLfloat NormSquared(void) const
Returns the square of the norm of the quaternion. This is faster than Norm()*Norm().GLfloat Normalize(void)
Normalizes the quaternion in place.Vec3f Normalized(void) const
Returns a normalized version of the quaternion, but leaves the original untouched.Arithmetic operations
Quatf provides a full set of arithmetic operations on quaternions.
- Quatf == Quatf ---> bool
- quaternion equality
- Quatf != Quatf ---> bool
- quaternion inequality
- - Quatf ---> Quatf
- quaternion negation
- Quatf * GLfloat ---> Quatf
- scalar multiplication
- GLfloat * Quatf ---> Quatf
- scalar multiplication
- Quatf / GLfloat ---> Quatf
- scalar division
- Quatf *= GLfloat
- in-place scalar multiplication
- Quatf /= GLfloat
- in-place scalar division
- Quatf + Quatf ---> Quatf
- quaternion addition
- Quatf - Quatf ---> Quatf
- quaternion subtraction
- Quatf * Quatf ---> GLfloat
- dot product
- Quatf % Quatf ---> Quatf
- cross product (quaternion product)
- Quatf += Quatf
- in-place quaternion addition
- Quatf -= Quatf
- in-place quaternion subtraction
- Quatf %= Quatf
- in-place cross product
- Quatf * Vec3f ---> Vec3f
- application of quaternion to vector
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