GLOW API version 1.0 reference

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class GlowMessageWindowParams

General information

type: struct
inherits: (none)
module: glowMessageWindow

GlowMessageWindowParams encloses parameters for construction of a GlowMessageWindow.

GLOW programs that use message windows will need to use GlowMessageWindowParams.


Parameter data

const char* windowTitle

Title for the window. Initial default is "Note".

int x

X location of the upper left of the window, in pixel coordinates of the screen. Initial default is GlowWindow::autoPosition.

int y

Y location of the upper left of the window, in pixel coordinates of the screen. Initial default is GlowWindow::autoPosition.

const char* text

Text to display. Include newline characters to specify a multi-line message. Initial default is the empty string "".

GlowFont textFont

Font for the text. Initial default is GlowFont::helvetica12.

GlowFont buttonFont

Font for the buttons. Initial default is GlowFont::helvetica12.

const char* buttonLabels

Labels for the buttons, tab-delimited. Initial default is "OK" (denoting a single button with that label).

int windowSpacing

Spacing between elements in the window. Initial default is 20.

int enterButton

Button number to map the enter key to. Remember that buttons are numbered starting with 0. Use a negative number for no mapping. Initial default is 0.

int escapeButton

Button number to map the escape key to. Remember that buttons are numbered starting with 0. Use a negative number for no mapping. Initial default is 1.

GlowMessageWindowReceiver* receiver

Receiver to receive events for this window, or the null pointer for no event reporting. You can still add or remove receivers later. Initial default is null.

Color data

GlowColor backColor
GlowColor textColor

Static Data


static GlowMessageWindowParams defaults

Default parameters. These are copied every time a new GlowMessageWindowParams is constructed.




Constructs a new parameter block, copying defaults

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