GLOW API version 1.0 reference

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class GlowWidgetSubwindowParams

General information

type: struct
inherits: GlowSubwindowParams
module: glowWidget

GlowWidgetSubwindowParams encloses parameters for construction of a GlowWidgetSubwindow.

GLOW programs which create widgets in subwindows may use this class.


Subwindow parameter data
These fields are inherited from GlowSubwindowParams. Note that one of the fiels has a different default.

int width

Width of the subwindow. Initial default is GlowSubwindow::parentWindowSize.

int height

Height of the subwindow. Initial default is GlowSubwindow::parentWindowSize.

int x

X location of the upper left of the subwindow, in pixel coordinates of the parent window. Initial default is 0.

int y

Y location of the upper left of the subwindow, in pixel coordinates of the parent window. Initial default is 0.

Glow::EventMask eventMask

Active event mask for the subwindow. Initial default is Glow::mouseEvents | Glow::dragEvents | Glow::keyboardEvents.

Glow::EventMask inactiveEventMask

Inactive event mask for the subwindow. Initial default is Glow::noEvents.

Glow::BufferType mode

Buffer mode for the subwindow. Initial default is Glow::rgbBuffer | Glow::doubleBuffer.

Widget root parameters

GlowColor backColor

Background color for the widget root. Initial default is a light gray.

Static Data


static GlowWidgetSubwindowParams defaults

Default parameters. These are copied every time a new GlowWidgetSubwindowParams is constructed.




Constructs a new parameter block, copying defaults

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