GLOW API version 1.0 reference

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typedef GlowWidgetMapToPushButtonFilter

General information

type: class
inherits: GlowWidgetKeyboardFilter
module: glowWidget

GlowWidgetMapToPushButtonFilter is a useful pre-built widget keyboard filter that intercepts configurable keyboard events and responds by hitting a specified push button. You can use this filter to map return and escape keypresses to hits of the OK and Cancel buttons of a dialog box.

GLOW programs that use dialog boxes can benefit from adding a GlowWidgetTabFilter to their widget roots.


Inherited types
These types are inherited from TReceiver<GlowWidgetKeyboardData&>.

typedef GlowWidgetKeyboardData& MessageType

A synonym for the type of message.



GlowWidgetMapToPushButtonFilter(GlowPushButtonWidget* widget, Glow::KeyCode key, Glow::Modifiers modifiers = Glow::noModifier)

Constructs a filter that maps the specified key code and modifier to the specified push button widget.

Filter settingns
Use these methods to modify the settings of this filter.

GlowPushButtonWidget* GetPushButton(void) const

Returns the pushbutton that should be hit by the filter.

void SetPushButton(GlowPushButtonWidget* widget)

Sets the pushbutton that should be hit by the filter.

Glow::KeyCode GetKeyCode(void) const

Returns the key code that should trigger the filter.

void SetKeyCode(Glow::KeyCode key)

Sets the key code that should trigger the filter.

Glow::Modifiers GetModifiers(void) const

Returns the modifiers that must be down to trigger the filter.

void SetModifiers(Glow::Modifiers modifiers)

Sets the modifiers that must be down to trigger the filter.

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from TReceiver<GlowWidgetKeyboardData&>.

unsigned int NumSenders(void)

unsigned int NumTrackers(void)

Overrideable methods

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowWidgetKeyboardFilter.

virtual bool OnFilter(GlowWidgetKeyboardData& message) = 0

This method is overridden by GlowWidgetMapToPushButtonFilter and should not be overridden again.

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from TReceiver<GlowWidgetKeyboardData&>.

virtual void OnMessage(GlowWidgetKeyboardData& message) = 0

This method is overridden by GlowWidgetKeyboardFilter and should not be overridden again.

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