GLOW API version 1.0 reference

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class GlowWidgetParams

General information

type: struct
inherits: (none)
module: glowWidget

GlowWidgetParams encloses parameters for construction of a GlowWidget.

Most GLOW do not need to use GlowWidgetParams directly, but will use one of its subclasses.


Parameter data

int width

Width of the widget. Initial default is 100.

int height

Height of the widget. Initial default is 100.

int x

X location of the upper left of the widget, in pixel coordinates of the parent widget. Initial default is 0.

int y

Y location of the upper left of the widget, in pixel coordinates of the parent widget. Initial default is 0.

long refcon

Reference constant for this widget. Initial default 0.

bool clipping

Should the widget clip to its rectangle when drawing children. Initial default is false.

Static Data


static GlowWidgetParams defaults

Default parameters. These are copied every time a new GlowWidgetParams is constructed.




Constructs a new parameter block, copying defaults

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