GLOW API version 1.0 reference

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class GlowWidgetLabelWidget

General information

type: class
inherits: GlowLabelWidget
module: glowLabelWidget

GlowWidgetLabelWidget is a text label designed to be attached to a widget. Currently, the only difference is that its OnAutoPack() allows the label to be forced to a size smaller than its preferred size. In this case, the label text is simply truncated.

Widgets that can accept labels use this class to implement the label. You shouldn't use it directly unless you are implementing a widget.


Inherited constants
These constants are inherited from GlowWidget.

enum GlowWidget::AutoPackError noAutoPackError
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackError hAutoPackError
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackError vAutoPackError

enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions noReshape
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions preferredSize
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions expandPreferredSize
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions forcedSize
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions noMove
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions leftPos
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions rightPos
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions topPos
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions bottomPos
enum GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions centerPos

enum { unspecifiedSize }
enum { unspecifiedPos }


Constructors and destructor

GlowWidgetLabelWidget(GlowWidget* parent, const GlowLabelParams& params)

Creates a new GlowWidgetLabelWidget using the given params and adds it to parent's children.

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowLabelWidget.

const char* GetText(void) const

void SetText(const char* text)

GlowFont GetFont(void) const

void SetFont(GlowFont font)

bool IsOpaque(void) const

void SetOpaque(bool opaque)

int GetHIndent(void) const

void SetHIndent(int indent)

int GetVIndent(void) const

void SetVIndent(int indent)

GlowColor GetBackColor(void) const

void SetBackColor(GlowColor c)

GlowColor GetTextColor(void) const

void SetTextColor(GlowColor c)

GlowColor GetDisableTextColor(void) const

void SetDisableTextColor(GlowColor c)

void FindPreferredSize(int& preferredWidth, int& preferredHeight)

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowWidget.

void Move(int x, int y)

int PositionX(void) const

int PositionY(void) const

int RootPositionX(void) const

int RootPositionY(void) const

int GlobalPositionX(void) const

int GlobalPositionY(void) const

void Reshape(int width, int height)

int Width(void) const

int Height(void) const

GlowWidget::AutoPackError AutoPack(int leftLimit, int rightLimit, int topLimit, int bottomLimit, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions hOption, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions vOption, int& leftMargin, int& rightMargin, int& topMargin, int& bottomMargin)
GlowWidget::AutoPackError AutoPack(int leftLimit, int rightLimit, int topLimit, int bottomLimit, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions hOption, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions vOption)

GlowWidget::AutoPackError AutoReshape(int& leftMargin, int& rightMargin, int& topMargin, int& bottomMargin)
GlowWidget::AutoPackError AutoReshape()

void Hide(void)

void Show(void)

bool IsVisible(void) const

bool IsInvisible(void) const

bool IsVisibleMasked(void) const

void Refresh(void)

void SetRefreshEnabled(bool enabled)

bool IsRefreshEnabled(void) const

void SetClipping(bool clip)

bool IsClipping(void)

void GrabKeyboardFocus(void)

void RelinquishKeyboardFocus(void)

bool HasKeyboardFocus(void)

GlowWidgetRoot* Root(void)

void SetRefCon(long refcon)

long GetRefCon(void)

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowComponent.

void Close(void)

GlowComponent* Parent(void) const

GlowSubwindow* WhichWindow(void)

GlowSubwindow* ParentWindow(void) const

GlowWindow* ToplevelWindow(void)

bool IsToplevel(void) const

GlowComponent* Next(void) const

GlowComponent* Prev(void) const

int NumChildren(void) const

GlowComponent* FirstChild(void) const

GlowComponent* LastChild(void) const

void ReorderChild(GlowComponent* child, GlowComponent* pos)

void KillChildren(void)

void Activate(void)

void Deactivate(void)

bool IsActive(void)

bool IsInactive(void)

bool IsActiveStandby(void)

void Paint(void)

Protected methods for subclasses

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowWidget.

void NormalizeCoordinates(int x, int y, GLfloat& xn, GLfloat& yn) const

void RegisterMouseEvents(void)

void RegisterKeyboardEvents(void)

void UnegisterMouseEvents(void)

void UnregisterKeyboardEvents(void)

Overrideable methods

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowWidget.

virtual void OnWidgetPaint(void)

GlowLabelWidget overrides this method to draw the label. You should not override it again unless a subclass needs to modify how labels are drawn.

virtual void OnWidgetMouseDown(Glow::MouseButton mouseButton, int x, int y, Glow::Modifiers modifiers)

GlowLabelWidgets do not normally respond to mouse events. Override this method if your subclass needs to change this behavior.

virtual void OnWidgetMouseUp(Glow::MouseButton mouseButton, int x, int y, Glow::Modifiers modifiers)

GlowLabelWidgets do not normally respond to mouse events. Override this method if your subclass needs to change this behavior.

virtual void OnWidgetMouseDrag(int x, int y)

GlowLabelWidgets do not normally respond to mouse events. Override this method if your subclass needs to change this behavior.

virtual void OnWidgetKeyboard(Glow::KeyCode key, int x, int y, Glow::Modifiers modifiers)

GlowLabelWidgets do not normally respond to keyboard events. Override this method if your subclass needs to change this behavior.

virtual void OnWidgetMove(int x, int y)

virtual void OnWidgetReshape(int width, int height)

virtual void OnWidgetInvisible(void)

virtual void OnWidgetVisible(void)

virtual void OnWidgetDeactivate(void)

virtual void OnWidgetActivate(void)

virtual void OnGotKeyboardFocus(void)

virtual void OnLostKeyboardFocus(void)

virtual GlowWidget::AutoPackError OnAutoPack(int hSize, int vSize, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions hOption, GlowWidget::AutoPackOptions vOption, int& leftMargin, int& rightMargin, int& topMargin, int& bottomMargin)

GlowWidgetLabelWidget implements this method to pack a widget-attached label. Override it if a subclass requires different packing.

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowComponent, but are used by GlowWidget and should not be overridden again.

virtual void OnActivate(void)

virtual void OnDeactivate(void)

virtual void OnBeginPaint(void)

virtual void OnEndPaint(void)

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