GLOW API version 1.0 reference

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class GlowViewManipulator

General information

type: class
inherits: GlowViewTransform
module: glowViewTransform

GlowViewManipulator is an interactive 3D manipulator component based on the arcball algorithm developed by Ken Shoemake. It supports arcball rotation, translation along the XY plane, and logarithmic scaling.

GLOW programs that render 3D scenes may find GlowViewManipulator useful for allowing user manipulation of the scene transform.



enum GlowViewManipulator::State idleState

The manipulator is not being moved.

enum GlowViewManipulator::State rotatingState

The manipulator is being rotated.

enum GlowViewManipulator::State translatingState

The manipulator is being translated.

enum GlowViewManipulator::State scalingState

The manipulator is is being scaled.


Constructors and destructor

GlowViewManipulator(GlowComponent* parent, const GlowViewManipulatorParams& params)

Creates a new GlowViewManipulator using the given params, and locates it underneath parent in the component hierarchy.


Creates a new GlowViewManipulator but does not initialize it. A component created in this way may not be used until its Init() method is called.

void Init(GlowComponent* parent, const GlowViewManipulatorParams& params)

Initializes a new GlowViewManipulator using the given params, and locates it underneath parent in the component hierarchy.

virtual ~GlowViewManipulator(void)

The destructor for GlowViewManipulator also recursively deletes the components's children in the hierarchy.


void BeginTranslationDrag(GLfloat xn, GLfloat yn) const

Begins translation dragging. Generally you should call this in response to a mouse down event. xn and yn denote the mouse coordinates in OpenGL coordinates (i.e. -1.0 to 1.0, with y increasing moving up).

void BeginRotationDrag(GLfloat xn, GLfloat yn) const

Begins rotation dragging. Generally you should call this in response to a mouse down event. xn and yn denote the mouse coordinates in OpenGL coordinates (i.e. -1.0 to 1.0, with y increasing moving up).

void BeginScaleDrag(GLfloat xn, GLfloat yn) const

Begins scale dragging. Generally you should call this in response to a mouse down event. xn and yn denote the mouse coordinates in OpenGL coordinates (i.e. -1.0 to 1.0, with y increasing moving up).

void InDrag(GLfloat xn, GLfloat yn) const

Continues dragging. Generally you should call this in response to a mouse drag event. xn and yn denote the mouse coordinates in OpenGL coordinates (i.e. -1.0 to 1.0, with y increasing moving up).

void EndDrag(GLfloat xn, GLfloat yn) const

Ends dragging. Generally you should call this in response to a mouse up event. xn and yn denote the mouse coordinates in OpenGL coordinates (i.e. -1.0 to 1.0, with y increasing moving up).

State and settings

GlowViewManipulator::State GetState(void) const

Returns the current state of the manipulator.

bool IsDragging(void) const

Returns true if the manipulator is being dragged. Equivalent to State() != idleState.

GlowColor GetColor(void) const

Returns the color used for arc drawing.

void SetColor(GlowColor color)

Sets the color used for arc drawing.

bool IsDrawing(void) const

Returns true if drawing is active.

void SetDrawing(bool draw)

Sets drawing active or inactive.

bool IsSpinnable(void) const

Returns true if the manipulator is spinnable.

void SetSpinnable(bool spinnable)

Sets the manipulator spinnable or not spinnable.

float GetTranslationThrottle(void) const

Returns the current translation throttle.

void SetTranslationThrottle(float throttle)

Sets the translation throttle.

float GetRotationThrottle(void) const

Returns the current rotation throttle.

void SetRotationThrottle(float throttle)

Sets the rotation throttle.

float GetScaleThrottle(void) const

Returns the current scale throttle.

void SetScaleThrottle(float throttle)

Sets the scale throttle.

bool IsAxisConstraintsActive(void) const

Returns true if the manipulator is constrained to certain axes.

void SetAxisConstraintsActive(bool active)

Sets the axis constrain option.

std::vector<Vec3f>& AxisConstraints(void)

Returns a reference to the current axis constraints list.

const std::vector<Vec3f>& AxisConstraints(void) const

Returns a reference to the current axis constraints list.

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowViewTransform.

void Set(const Vec3f& trans, const Quatf& rot, GLfloat scale)

void SetTranslation(const Vec3f& trans)

void SetRotation(const Quatf& rot)

void SetScale(GLfloat scale)

void SetIdentity(void)

void AddTranslation(const Vec3f& trans)

void AddRotation(const Quatf& rot)

void AddScale(GLfloat scale)

const Vec3f& GetTranslation(void) const

const Quatf& GetRotation(void) const

GLfloat GetScale(void) const

Vec3f Apply(const Vec3f& vec) const

Vec3f ApplyInverse(const Vec3f& vec) const

void ApplyToGLMatrix(void) const

void ApplyInverseToGLMatrix(void) const

void GetGLMatrixf(GLfloat* matrix) const

void GetMatrix(Mat4f& matrix) const

bool IsSpinning(void) const

void StartSpinning(const Quatf& spin)

void StopSpinning(void)

void StepSpin(void)

GlowTransformData* TransformData(void) const

void ConnectTo(GlowTransformData* transform)

void ConnectTo(GlowViewTransform* transform)

void Disconnect(void)

void RefreshAllConnected(void)

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowComponent.

void Close(void)

GlowComponent* Parent(void) const

GlowSubwindow* WhichWindow(void)

GlowSubwindow* ParentWindow(void) const

GlowWindow* ToplevelWindow(void)

bool IsToplevel(void) const

GlowComponent* Next(void) const

GlowComponent* Prev(void) const

int NumChildren(void) const

GlowComponent* FirstChild(void) const

GlowComponent* LastChild(void) const

void ReorderChild(GlowComponent* child, GlowComponent* pos)

void KillChildren(void)

void Activate(void)

void Deactivate(void)

bool IsActive(void)

bool IsInactive(void)

bool IsActiveStandby(void)

void Paint(void)

Overrideable methods

Inherited methods
These methods are inherited from GlowComponent.

virtual void OnActivate(void)

virtual void OnDeactivate(void)

virtual void OnBeginPaint(void)

This method is overridden by GlowViewTransform to perform the OpenGL transformations. You should not normally override it again.

virtual void OnEndPaint(void)

This method is overridden by GlowViewTransform to perform the OpenGL transformations. You should not normally override it again.

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